Powerscourt Gardens with an audio guide / Les jardins de Powerscourt avec un audioguide
We try and visit Powerscourt Gardens in every season, but there is something glorious about Wicklow’s top attraction in autumn.
We arrived last Sunday mid-afternoon as the golden October sunshine slowly disappeared behind wispy clouds of light drizzle. Even in the dull light of an autumn dusk, Powerscourt Gardens are a photographer’s paradise.
The acorns insisted on borrowing an audio guide each, something they had repeatedly asked for on previous occasions. Once they figured out how to trigger their devices on the first stop outside Powerscourt House, it was a somewhat quieter than usual tour of the beautiful gardens.
The acorns still had a lengthy game of hide-and-seek in the Japanese Garden. They still climbed up monumental trees. They still rolled down the soft grassy banks. But they also listened to their audio guides as if they were on a treasure hunt, solving puzzles and learning new facts along the way.
Next time we will take an audio guide too!
Les jardins de Powerscourt se visitent en toute saison, bien sûr, mais l’automne accentue encore la splendeur du site le plus visité de Wicklow.
Nous y sommes arrivés dimanche en milieu d’après-midi comme le soleil doré d’octobre disparaissait lentement derrière des nuages gorgés d’une bruine légère. Même à la lumière falotte du crépuscule automnal, les jardins de Powerscourt restent un paradis pour les photographes.
Les graines de chêne ont insisté pour emprunter un audioguide chacun, chose qu’ils avaient réclamée lors de nos visites précédentes. Une fois qu’ils comprirent comment déclencher leurs appareils sur la première borne devant Powerscourt House, la visite des jardins grandioses s’avéra plus calme qu’à l’accoutumée.
Les graines de chêne ont quand même joué longuement à cache-cache dans le jardin japonais. Ils ont quand même grimpé sur des arbres monumentaux. Ils ont quand même dévalé en roulant l’herbe moelleuse des talus tapissés de feuilles mortes. Mais ils ont aussi écouté leurs audioguides comme s’il s’agissait d’une chasse au trésor, apprenant des choses nouvelles et résolvant des énigmes au fil du chemin.
La prochaine fois, nous prendrons aussi un audioguide !
Visitor information
Powerscourt Gardens
Co Wicklow
Tel. + 353 01 204 6000
Email info@powerscourt.net
Facebook @powerscourtestate
Open every day 9.30am–5.30pm; the gardens close at dusk in winter. Closed on 25–26th December.
Ticket prices: Family (2 adults and up to 3 children) €25; Adult €9.50; Child (5 to 13 years old) €5; Student/OAP €8.
Annual membership: Family €165; Adult €95.
Powerscourt Estate is part of the new Ireland’s Ancient East tourist route. The gardens were voted third best in the world by National Geographic.
Ireland’s Ancient East Ireland’s Ancient East
Neil Jackman Carsten Krieger
Getting there
If travelling southbound on the N11 (Wexford), take exit 7 to Bray and Greystones (north). At the first roundabout, take the first exit, signposted for Dublin and Powerscourt. Cross the bridge over the N11. At the second roundabout, take the third exit to Dublin. Stay on the slip road for exit 6a to Enniskerry.
If travelling northbound on the N11 (Dublin), take exit 6a to Enniskerry.
Follow the R117 until Enniskerry. On the village’s main square, keep left on the R760 towards Powerscourt. Continue out of the village on that steep, narrow road, all the way to the main entrance gate to the Powerscourt Estate on the right. Once inside the gate, follow the avenue to the car park. Entrance to the gardens is through the ticket office, inside Powerscourt House.
Infos pratiques
Powerscourt Gardens
Co Wicklow
Tel. + 353 01 204 6000
Email info@powerscourt.net
Facebook @powerscourtestate
Ouverts tous les jours 9h30-17h30; fermeture à la tombée de la nuit en hiver. Fermés les 25 et 26 décembre.
Tarifs d’entrée : Famille (2 adultes et jusqu’à 3 enfants) 25 € ; Adulte 9,50 € ; Enfant (5 à 13 ans) 5 € ; Etudiant/3e âge 8 €.
Carte de membre annuelle : Famille 165 € ; Adulte 95 €.
Powerscourt est un des sites du nouveau circuit des Terres ancestrales d’Irlande (Ireland’s Ancient East). Les jardins ont été élus le troisième du monde par le magazine National Geographic.
S’y rendre
Circulant sur la N11 en direction du sud (Wexford), prenez la sortie 7 pour Bray et Greystones (north). Au premier rond-point, empruntez la première sortie, signalée pour Dublin et Powerscourt. Traversez le pont au-dessus de la N11. Au second rond-point, prenez la troisième sortie, en direction de Dublin. Restez sur la bretelle et poursuivez par la sortie 6a pour Enniskerry.
Circulant sur la N11 en direction du nord (Dublin), prenez la sortie 6a pour Enniskerry.
Suivez la R117 jusqu’à Enniskerry. Sur la place principale du village, prenez à gauche sur la R760 en direction de Powerscourt. Continuez sur cette route raide et étroite, jusqu’au grand portail d’entrée de Powerscourt sur la droite. Une fois passé le portail, suivez l’avenue jusqu’au parking. L’entrée se fait par la billetterie, à l’intérieur de Powerscourt House.
Disclosure: I was given a complimentary annual family membership to the Powerscourt Estate. All opinions are honest and my own.
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Divulgation : J’ai reçu une carte d’adhésion annuelle gratuite du domaine de Powerscourt. Toutes les opinions sont personnelles et honnêtes.
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beautiful pictures
I can certainly see why you always try to visit Powerscourt in autumn, it really is a beautiful place with all those colours. It’s great to see the kids following their audio trails, I’m sure it’s encouraging to see them learning from new experiences. With all those grounds there’s certainly plenty of space for the kids to burn off any energy.
Thanks for sharing with me on #CountryKids.
Your photos are wonderful. I think it’s a great idea to visit properties in different seasons to see how they change. An audio guide is an excellent idea to keep everyone engaged and to learn interesting facts about your surroundings #countykids
Very beautiful autumn colours. I am liking the sound of that audio guide as well 🙂 #countrykids
The gardens look stunning, what great photos! About time I visited Wicklow again I think! Never been to Powerscourt, looks amazing. #FamilyFunLinky
Those gardens are amazing!
It looks beautiful there. I love all the different colours of the trees and plants, gorgeous.
Your photos are stunning, you have really captured the cosy warm feeling of autumn. The colours are captured perfectly! Thank you for linking up to #PointShoot
This looks like an amazing place to visit, especially now with the autumn colours #pointshoot@_karendennis
That’s beautiful!!
Those photos are absolutely stunning the colours are fantastic. It sounds like the acorns had a really fab day out, climbing trees and rolling down hills sounds like great fun. It’s nice to know they enjoyed the audio tour too! You’ve made me intrigued. Thanks for joining us at #familyfun
That Japanese Maple-Oh my! Gorgeous shots! #PointShoot
It looks incredible and love the pops of autumn colours. Beautiful #pointshoot