Slide like a penguin / La glissade du pingouin
On the Fourth Day of Christmas, we went for a wintry hike to Djouce Mountain and found a winter wonderland of frost, snow and ice on the Wicklow uplands.
From the moment we headed up the icy trail, the acorns stopped at every frozen puddle, big or small, to test and/or break the ice.
Until we reached what looked like a frozen infinity pool.
After diligently posing for a few photos with the Wicklow Mountains, the Vartry Reservoirs and even the Irish Sea in the background, the acorns proceeded with testing the ice, tentatively prodding it with their boots or vigorously hitting it with a stick.
Inspired by penguins
Until Jedi decided to slide on the ice like a penguin, i.e. on his tummy!
He later admitted to figuring that this would be a safer way to cross the pond than simply stepping across the ice. Indeed, the ice sheet was thick enough to carry all four acorns at the same time, but the edges soon started to fray.
His new invention wasn’t ice skating, dancing, or sliding as such. Instead the acorns decided to call it ‘ice-swimming’.
Who knows? They may have come up with a new Olympic event!
Entre Noël et le Jour de l’An, nous sommes partis pour une randonnée hivernale au mont Djouce et nous sommes tombés sur un paradis blanc de neige, de givre et de glace sur les sommets de Wicklow.
Dès l’instant où nous avons commencé à gravir le sentier verglacé, les graines de chêne s’arrêtèrent à chaque trou d’eau gelé pour tester et/ou briser la glace.
Jusqu’à notre arrivée à un vaste étang gelé “à débordement”.
Après avoir posé plus ou moins sagement pour quelques photos avec les monts de Wicklow, les lacs de Roundwood et la mer d’Irlande en toile de fond, les graines de chêne débutèrent leurs expérimentations scientifiques, testant prudemment la glace du bout du pied ou la frappant vigoureusement à coups de bâton.
Comme les pingouins
Jusqu’à ce que Jedi décide de glisser dessus comme un pingouin, c’est-à-dire à plat ventre !
Plus tard, il avoua avoir pensé que ce serait une façon plus sûre de traverser l’étang que simplement marcher dessus. En effet, la couche de glace était assez épaisse pour supporter le poids des quatre graines de chêne en même temps, mais les bords se craquelèrent rapidement.
Sa nouvelle invention n’est ni patinage, ni danse sur glace. Les graines de chêne ont décidé de l’appeler “natation sur glace”.
Qui sait ? Peut-être ont-ils inventé la nouvelle discipline olympique du futur ?!
Wow. Great photos. I didn’t realise it had got that cold as wouldn’t have minded doing the same myself #PointShoot
Your kids are obviously cleverer than I was at that age. We came across a frozen River and my friends kicked the ice. It broke and I fell through.
You captured some amazing photos of penguin sliding fun
Amazing photos of what looks like a magical hike. #pointshoot xx
I am loving the penguin slide on the belly – genius. Amazing photos as always Annette. What an adventure. Sarah #ExplorerKids
I love these captures, you can sense their pure delight! Just brilliant and a fantastic location. Thank you for linking up to #PointShoot
Great photos, and looks like good fun too!❄️
Fab photos looks great fun! Mandyxxx #explorerkids
This is fantastic! & I love their new invention too! What a clever boy! This is so unique and beautiful. I’m a tad jealous by all these fun things that you do with your kids. 🙂 xx
Thank you very much for linking up with us on #ExplorerKids
This looks so funny! Kids can really make up their mind and be so creative 🙂 beautiful pictures. Laura #explorerkids