#MySundayPhoto – Snowmageddon

So Ireland just went through its worst snow event since 1982, a.k.a. Snowmageddon. It took the collision of two weather systems, the infamous Beast From The East (which originated in Siberia) and the Atlantic Storm Emma, to shut down most of the country.

When Met Eireann issued its status red weather alert on Thursday, most shops and supermarket shelves had already been cleared of bread, milk, meat and fresh produce, leading to many hilarious memes and GIFs on social media.

On Friday, most of Ireland was under a de facto curfew, with the population advised to stay indoors for 24 hours while the high winds howled and the snow piled.

So when on Saturday, as the big melt was already underway, we walked with a backpack to our local supermarket, it was like witnessing the end of a zombie apocalypse. There were more people shuffling hesitantly on the snowy footpaths with one shopping bag in each hand, than cars on the sludgy road, and the supermarket shelves looked as desolate as a Soviet co-op. 


Alors voilà, l’Irlande vient de traverser l’épisode neigeux le plus important depuis 1982. Il a fallu la collision de deux systèmes dépressionnaires, la fameuse Beast From The East (“bête de l’Est”) venue de Sibérie et la tempête atlantique Emma, pour que le pays tout entier s’arrête de fonctionner.

Quand Met Eireann a lancé son alerte rouge jeudi, les magasins et les supermarchés avaient déjà été vidés de leurs produits frais : pain, lait, viande, fruits et légumes. Ce qui conduisit à une explosion de blagues et autres GIFs cocasses sur les réseaux sociaux.

Vendredi, la plupart de l’Irlande était de facto sous l’effet d’un couvre-feu : la population devait rester à l’intérieur pendant 24 heures pendant que les vents se déchaînaient et que la neige s’empilait.

Alors quand samedi, comme la neige fondait déjà, nous sommes allés à pied au supermarché, la ville semblait émerger d’une apocalypse de zombie : il y avait plus de passants qui, un sac à provision dans chaque main, avançaient à pas lents sur les trotteurs neigeux, que de voitures sur la chaussée marron de neige fondue. Quand au supermarché, il paraissait plus déprimant encore qu’une coopérative soviétique.




7 Responses to “#MySundayPhoto – Snowmageddon

  • We had it pretty bad in the south of England too! Can’t believe the shelves were raided! Love the snowy daffodils x #FamilyFunLinky

  • It seems everyone has had it bad this past week, everything was running out in the shops

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  • Oh wow, and I thought we had it bad! I didn’t mind it to start with, like a fun adventure…I’m glad it’s over though!! #FamilyFunLinky

  • Our shops are still out of milk and bread. Snow is amazing on the first day but the next days are a bit hard. #mysundayphoto

  • Ok isn’t it hilarious that we can’t seem to cope with the shops being closed for a couple of days. Love the snowy daffodils #familyfunlinky

  • When two seasons collide #MySundayPhoto

  • Wow that is a lot. We had a fair amount but not as bad as some. Being asked to stay in for 24 hours must be a strange one. I bet you were itching to get out the next day! Thanks for joining us at #familyfun

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