And a river runs through it / Et au milieu coule une rivière
Let the children play
Stomp in the water
Climb trees
Draw with charcoal
Build a dam
Drift downhill on their scooter
Throw stones in the river
Pick wild foods
Make a volcano out of sandPlaying outside makes children smarter, healthier, happier.
Who needs a playground when Powerscourt is on your doorstep?
Making the most of a school-free Monday, the acorns took their scooters to the stunning River Walk, part of Powerscourt Estate, Co Wicklow, for 3½ hours of free play, during which I took many more photos than shown in the slideshow below.
Laissez les enfants jouer
Patauger dans l’eau
Grimper aux arbres
Dessiner au charbon de bois
Construire un barrage
Dévaler un talus en trottinette
Jeter des pierres dans le ruisseau
Cueillir des plantes sauvages comestiblesJouer dehors rend les enfants intelligents et heureux.
Qui a besoin d’une aire de jeux quand Powerscourt est sur le pas de la porte ?
Profitant d’un lundi sans école, les graines de chêne ont emporté leurs trottinettes sur le splendide sentier de la Rivière, au domaine de Powerscourt, Co Wicklow, pour trois heures et demie de jeu libre pendant lesquelles j’ai pris beaucoup plus de photos que celles visibles dans le diaporama ci-dessus.
Visitor information
Powerscourt Gardens
Co Wicklow
Tel. + 353 01 204 6000
Facebook @powerscourtestate
Open every day 9.30-5.30; the gardens close at dusk in winter. Closed on 25-26th December.
Ticket prices: Family (2 adults and up to 3 children) €25; Adult €9.50; Child (5 to 13 years old) €5; Student/OAP €8.
Annual membership: Family €165; Adult €95.
Please note that the River Walk is only available to membership holders. The main pathway is suitable for pushchairs, bikes and scooters.
Powerscourt Estate is part of the newly-established Ireland’s Ancient East tourism initiative. For more detail on the historic treasures included, Neil Jackman’s Ireland’s Ancient East is a treasure trove of information.
The gardens were voted third best garden in the world by National Geographic.
Getting there
If travelling southbound on the N11 (Wexford), take exit 7 to Bray and Greystones (north). At the first roundabout, take the first exit, signposted for Dublin and Powerscourt. Cross the bridge over the N11. At the second roundabout, take the third exit to Dublin. Stay on the slip road for exit 6a to Enniskerry.
If travelling northbound on the N11 (Dublin), take exit 6a to Enniskerry.
Follow the R117 until Enniskerry. On the village’s main square, keep left on the R760 towards Powerscourt. Continue out of the village on that steep, narrow road, all the way to the main entrance gate to the Powerscourt Estate on the right. Once inside the gate, follow the avenue to the car park. Entrance to the gardens is through the ticket office, inside Powerscourt House.
Infos pratiques
Powerscourt Gardens
Co Wicklow
Tel. + 353 01 204 6000
Facebook @powerscourtestate
Ouverts tous les jours 9h30-17h30; fermeture à la tombée de la nuit en hiver. Fermés les 25 et 26 décembre.
Tarifs d’entrée : Famille (2 adultes et jusqu’à 3 enfants) 25 € ; Adulte 9,50 € ; Enfant (5 à 13 ans) 5 € ; Etudiant/3e âge 8 €.
Carte de membre annuelle : Famille 165 € ; Adulte 95 €.
A noter que le sentier de la Rivière est réservé aux détenteurs d’une carte d’adhésion. Le chemin goudronné convient aux poussettes, vélos et trottinettes.
Powerscourt est un des sites du nouveau circuit des Terres ancestrales de l’Est (Ireland’s Ancient East). Les jardins ont été élus le troisième du monde par le magazine National Geographic.
S’y rendre
Circulant sur la N11 en direction du sud (Wexford), prenez la sortie 7 pour Bray et Greystones (north). Au premier rond-point, empruntez la première sortie, signalée pour Dublin et Powerscourt. Traversez le pont au-dessus de la N11. Au second rond-point, prenez la troisième sortie, en direction de Dublin. Restez sur la bretelle et poursuivez par la sortie 6a pour Enniskerry.
Circulant sur la N11 en direction du nord (Dublin), prenez la sortie 6a pour Enniskerry.
Suivez la R117 jusqu’à Enniskerry. Sur la place principale du village, prenez à gauche sur la R760 en direction de Powerscourt. Continuez sur cette route raide et étroite, jusqu’au grand portail d’entrée de Powerscourt sur la droite. Une fois passé le portail, suivez l’avenue jusqu’au parking. L’entrée se fait par la billetterie, à l’intérieur de Powerscourt House.
these scooters look incredible! The gardens look truly beautiful also #familyfun
Thank you! These are Micro scooters, the best on the market imho 😉
That video is so much fun! Love the first photo of the river. Beautiful #Pointshoot
Thank you Pat, it truly was an idyllic afternoon 🙂
My kids are little demons on their scooters. They would love this Powerscourt Gardens. What a great way to spend a school free Monday – they probably learnt more anyway! Thanks for sharing on #FarawayFiles
Their school was closed because the staff were on a training day. But I like your way of thinking Katy, very similar to mine ha! 🙂
Wow what an amazing place. I love to see kids having great fun outdoors. My favourite shot is the one with everyone inside the tree. Thank you for linking up to #PointShoot hope to see you again next week
The tree they’re standing in is burnt on the inside, and that’s where they get their charcoal, hence the war paints on their faces 🙂
Thanks for hosting #PointShoot!
Love this. Beautiful river. I totally get that kids get so much from being outdoors. We spent the day out today and splashed and built dams it was totally worth it! Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky
Building dams with my siblings was one of my favourite outdoor activities growing up – it’s great to see that the new generation is into this simple fun too 🙂
Thanks for hosting #FamilyFun!
Four kids zooming around on their microscooters before mucking around in the water – this looks familiar! 😀 Great post – thanks again! #FarawayFiles
Thank you Jonny! It doesn’t surprise me one bit that your four rascals enjoy the same simple pleasures as mine 😉 x
Loved your photos, the sense of fun is beautiful, definitely a brilliant way to spend a school free day!
I like how the pictures have turned out, and how they really reflect the atmosphere of this lovely afternoon of outdoor play – even if it’s me saying it! 🙂
Powerscourt looks like a true delight. Your children are truly blessed to live near this place. #CountryKids
Powerscourt never ceases to amaze me. The estate is truly immense, and it spreads over one of the most beautiful areas in the county. Hope you get to see for yourself someday 🙂
This is such a beautiful place and I love the River…perfect for a play on a hot summers day 🙂 #countrykidsfun
Exactly! It gets busier at the weekend, but it’s easy to get away for a spot of free play. 🙂
So many wonderful things to do, it reminds me of right here at Coombe Mill, there is something quite special about making your way along a river, especially one that is gently flowing with a few beach like areas around too at the edges. I love the kids sitting on their scooters to ride, I’ll have to suggest this to my boys, they are scooter mad right now though long flat surfaces are an issue for us. What a great use of a free Monday from school and the most beautiful surroundings, we need more of this lovely spring weather, the weekend was perfect but it has started to rain here again here today.
Thank you for sharing a great place for family days out on #CountryKids
Sitting on their scooters is a ‘trick’ they invented last summer in France. You should hear the squeals as they race down the road… You’re right though, a surfaced road/footpath is a necessity.
It really felt like we made the most of this school-free day, and the weather was definitely on our side. It was even better last weekend when we went to Achill Island, off the west coast of Ireland, but this was short-lived here too. Bring on the sunshine! x
Oh what a fabulous way to spend an afternoon! My two love playing in rivers -paddling, looking for minnows, finding the stepping stones… there’s always loads of fun to be had. Thanks for sharing on #FarawayFiles
I remember doing the exact same thing with my siblings many years ago – building dams, throwing stones in the water, etc. This is what childhood is about 😉
What a stunning location. The video is gorgeous. My boys often moan about walking but if they take their scooters they’ll go so much further! #countrykids
Same here, they love riding their scooters or their bikes, rather than plain old walking. Thank you for stopping by 🙂
Everything about this is how I grew up in Oregon! Love it, thanks for sharing with #FarawayFiles
I had a very similar kind of childhood, only my neck of the woods in France is very much landlocked. Thanks for hosting #FarawayFiles 🙂
Gorgeous photos, it looks like you had a perfect day! I love that the children could ride their scooters too – I think I need to find some more places for my children to ride theirs!
They often ride their scooters around the house and on the way to school too, but few places are are convenient and beautiful as Powerscourt’s River Walk.
What a fabulous day out. That river is beautiful and looks like your children had lots of fun on their scooters. Having time just to explore and enjoy free play is always good 🙂 #countrykids
The feel good factor lasted long after the outing was over – always a good sign, isn’t it? Thank you for the lovely comment 🙂
That looks like so much fun! My kids love their scooters too 🙂 #countrykids
Who doesn’t like a scooter? I sometimes wish I had my own… 😉
It looks like a beautiful place to visit.
It is truly wonderful, a gem of a place to have on our doorstep.
Love this video capturing your littles having so much fun! The scooters are incredible! I will show my kids these too! 🙂 x #CountryKids
We swear by Micro Maxi scooters, pricey but worth every penny. Pebbles got his for Christmas, and you should see him fly on it! 🙂