Find me on Substack @Another World is Possible

I have moved!

A few weeks ago, I created a newsletter on a platform called Substack. It is called Another World is Possible and you can find it here –


I am writing a book, and in the meantime I share sporadic updates on Instagram and Facebook. The problem is, sharing on social media often feels like handing out leaflets to a moving crowd of absent-minded commuters at rush hour, in the hope that my words will resonate with someone, anyone, in the great content cacophony of the interweb, before they disappear forever in the algorithmic ether.

What I want instead is to create a body of work AND a community around my writing: a space where we inspire each other into creating the future our hearts are longing for.


Why this title?

Because this is my message, my mantra, my motto, underpinning everything I do and write. Because my work is about opening people’s eyes to that simple yet profound truth: another world is possible.

We don’t have to settle for what is. We needn’t resign ourselves to more of the same. Another world is possible, and the future is ours to create.

Please subscribe – it would mean the world to have you there!

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.

Arundhati Roy





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