New Year hike / Balade du Nouvel An
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
Khalil Gibran
On Children
This year I will try and join in a few blogging projects. Living Arrows, hosted by Donna, of What The Redhead Said, is one of them. It is a weekly photography link-up celebrating childhood, i.e. the perfect fit for me!
I missed 2017’s first instalment, so here is my contribution for this week.
During a momentous New Year’s Day get-together with our gang of friends, it was decided to climb the Great Sugar Loaf the next day.
Last Monday turned out to be a gloriously sunny winter day, with hardly a breath of wind – ideal conditions to hike up the most iconic summit of the Wicklow Mountains. And the best way of blowing away the excesses of the previous day…
Vous êtes les arcs desquels vos enfants sont propulsés, tels des flèches vivantes.
Khalil Gibran
Les Enfants
Cette année je vais essayer de participer à quelques projects en collaboration avec d’autres blogs. Living Arrows, organisé par Donna, auteure de What The Redhead Said, est un projet photographique célébrant l’enfance. En bref, parfait pour moi !
J’ai manqué la première semaine de 2017, alors voici ma contribution pour la deuxième.
Lors d’une fête mémorable le jour de l’An avec notre groupe d’amis, il fut décidé d’escalader ensemble le Great Sugar Loaf le lendemain (le 2 janvier étant jour férié en Irlande cette année).
Lundi dernier fut une splendide journée d’hiver, froide et ensoleillée, sans même un souffle de vent : les conditions idéales pour grimper au sommet de la montagne la plus emblématique de Wicklow. Et le meilleur moyen de se rafraîchir les idées après les excès de la veille…
Oh wow what a view! Stunning photos too! #LivingArrows
Tara x
Thanks Tara! Hard to take bad photos when the light is so beautiful 😉
Oh thanks so much for linking up!! It’s wonderful to find a new blog to read – especially with photos as beautiful as yours. I love the bilingual-ness too! I cannot wait to see how the children grow through the year x
Thanks Donna for hosting this linky – I love the concept and really enjoy looking at all the photos! Looking forward to the other 50 weeks of the year 😉
Looks like you had a great day – that final photo is a keeper, the silhouettes are amazing!
Thank you! I wanted to take such a picture to celebrate the new year, and the conditions all came together once we reached the summit 😉
Beautiful photos and such a great concept, I also love having the chance to practise my (very poor) French!
Thank you Lauren for taking the time to comment!
Brilliant pictures, Annette – you have a lovely crew there! I am so jealous that you’re near Wicklow! It is somewhere I really want to visit and when I was last over in Dublin, I just didn’t have time to get over that way! Hopefully I can live vicariously through your posts until I get there 😀
Thank you Sarah! Wicklow is indeed a magical place which we never tire of exploring. If you ever make your way across the Irish Sea, just give us a shout and we’ll show you some fabulous spots! 😉
What a great series of photographs! Love seeing other little adventurers! Hope you have a lot of fun this year!
Thank you so much for the comment, you are quite the photographer yourself! Wishing you all sorts of adventures this year!
Look at all those happy smiling faces! What a super place for a walk with the family. 🙂
They love nothing more than standing on top of a mountain! The Great Sugar Loaf is a short and very rewarding hike, perfect for families.