Elderflower cordial / Sirop de sureau


On Day 12 of 30 Days Wild, the acorns and I picked two dozen fragrant elderflowers to make elderflower cordial – a firm summer favourite in our house!

After school, we took a leisurely stroll near Killruddery House & Gardens, Bray, Co Wicklow. Along the farm roads and by the stream, the air was heavy with the creamy blooms’ exquisite summery fragrance.

The recipe for elderflower cordial is straightforward really. It’s worth noting that the mixture needs soaking overnight. Other than that, the only unusual ingredient, citric acid, is widely available from pharmacies. But it is not compulsory – if you’re using it, you will be able to keep your elderflower cordial for longer at room temperature.


Related / Similaire  Elderberry cordial / Sirop de sureau noir

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Le douzième jour de 30 Days Wild, les graines de chêne et moi avons cueilli deux douzaines de fleurs de sureau pour en faire du sirop. Une des saveurs incontournables de l’été chez nous !

Après l’école, nous sommes partis à pas lents aux alentours du domaine de Killruddery, Bray, Co Wicklow. Au long du sentier poussiéreux et au bord du ruisseau, l’air était plein du parfum exquis des fleurs de sureau.

La recette du sirop de sureau est toute simple. Il faut simplement laisser le mélange infuser pendant la nuit. Le seul ingrédient insolite, l’acide citrique, est disponible en pharmacie. Mais il n’est pas obligatoire : si vous l’utilisez, votre sirop de sureau se gardera plus longtemps et à température ambiante, plutôt qu’au frais.

Related / Similaire  Foraging – A taste of the wild / Un goût de nature

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Country Kids


6 Responses to “Elderflower cordial / Sirop de sureau

  • Would you believe elder flower is another one we have here on the farm. I adore elder flower cordial but have never tired making it. May be this will be the year. Your recipe isn’t displaying for me but I’d love to try it. As always some gorgeous photos of your children smelling the fragrant flowers that make the recipe even more appealing.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids.

  • Delicious! delicieux

  • I used to love making elderflower cordial at school – just seeing your photographs reminds me of the delicious smell. I must try it with my own children. Thanks for the inspiration #countrykids

  • I love elderflower cordial but have never tried making it. you make me want to though. #countrykids

  • I was really surprised how nice and quick it could be made. We literally heated it and added water and lemon at Forest School

  • We haven’t tried to make this before but I imagine it would taste delicious. #CountryKids

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