Winter feast on the beach / Festin d’hiver sur la plage

On the third day of Christmas, we had a winter feast on the beach of Magheramore, Co Wicklow.

Outdoor Cooking, a River Cottage handbook by Gill Meller and one of Brian’s Christmas presents, provided the inspiration needed to make this family adventure extra special.

Of course the acorns played their hearts out on the sand and in the water.
Of course I went for a winter dip – or a splash, rather.
Of course we came back home covered in sand and smelling of smoke.

Tasty winter feast

But the food really stood out. Brian cooked up a 2 course meal and bread over the open fire – a one-pot recipe of pearl barley, potato and celery stew (found in Much More Veg, one of my Christmas presents), followed by a scrumptious dessert of honey stewed pears. Tea and coffee were of course included.

Everything tastes better outdoors, but this was in a different league altogether!

Have you had any outdoor adventures over the twelve days of Christmas?

Trois jours après Noël, nous nous sommes mitonnés un festin d’hiver sur la plage de Magheramore, Co Wicklow.

Le livre Outdoor Cooking, un des cadeaux de Noël de Brian, a fourni l’inspiration nécessaire à cette aventure familiale.

Bien sûr, les graines de chêne s’en sont donné à cœur joie sur le sable et dans la mer.
Bien sûr, je me suis trempée dans l’eau – ou éclaboussée plutôt.
Bien sûr, nous sommes rentrés chez nous ensablés et enfumés.

Mais ce festin d’hiver restera dans les annales. Brian nous a concocté un repas complet, pain y compris, au feu de camp : une estouffade de céleri, pommes de terre et grains d’orge, suivie de poires étuvées au miel pour le dessert. Thé, café et autres boissons chaudes complétaient le menu du jour.

S’il est vrai que tout a meilleur goût dehors, ce repas était dans une catégorie à part !

Et vous, êtes-vous partis pour des aventures pleine nature pendant les fêtes ?

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4 Responses to “Winter feast on the beach / Festin d’hiver sur la plage

  • Love it. We live near the sea and just 5 miles from River Cottage HQ in East Devon so I really should have no excuse to do this sort of thing. Great photos #CountryKids

  • WE’ve yet to get to the beach this winter but it’s one of my favourite activities when we do #countrykids

  • What a wonderful feast you had on the beach and I love that you and Mermaid went for a dip in the sea too. The meal sounded like it was delicious too and what a lovely outdoor adventure to remember. Thank you for sharing it with #CountryKids

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